Women Farmer Day Celebrates with Stories, Education
On Friday, August 7th, forty-five people gathered at Crow’s Nest Preserve for lunch and fellowship celebrating women farmers. This event was sponsored by AgConnect, Natural Lands Trust, PA DCNR’s Schuylkill Highlands Conservation Landscape, and the PA Women’s Agriculture Network.
Guest speakers included Molly Morrison, President of Natural Lands Trust, Judi Radel, owner of Yeehaw Farm, Annie Hasz, owner of Broad Wing Farm, and Jodi Gauker of Gauker Farms. Commissioner Michelle Kichline also spoke briefly about Chester County’s Economic Development Plan, VISTA 2025, and the critical importance of agriculture to the county’s economy. Commissioner Kichline also shared some of her family’s agriculture history continuing in Hungary today.
Whether they are completing their second growing season or part of a multi-generation farm, each of the speakers presented their unique stories of entering into farming and shared some of their many day to day challenges that come with balancing a farm business and family. Despite the hardships, each of our featured speakers continue to persevere and adapt in order to continue to pursue their individual agriculture passions.
Check out a featured event article in Lancaster Farming!