PSU Extension: Fall Specialty Crop Tour for Young Grower Alliance- Adams County

November 17, 2015
8:00 am to 3:00 pm

Join the Young Grower Alliance as we tour several of our members’ Adams County farms with special guest, Dr. Jim Schupp, Penn State Professor of Pomology.

November 17, 2015, 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM


Adams County Farms

We will visit Lerew Brothers Orchard, McCleaf’s Orchard, Bonnie Brae Orchards and have lunch at the Penn State Fruit Research and Extension Center.

  • Topics of discussion will include:
  • Growing Fruits and Vegetables for Wholesale and Retail Marketing
  • Crop Diversity
  • Harvest Efficiency to Increase Profitability
  • High Density Trellised System Transitions
  • Practices for Optimizing Apple Fruit Quality
  • A presentation by Jim Schupp about Pruning Medium Density Fruit Trees
  • and more!



There is no fee to attend this event. However, per-registration is requested. Contact Erin Dugan to register.

Contact Information


Erin Dugan


(717) 334-6271 ext.331