Market BIG On A tiny Budget
November 10, 2016
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Many small business owners and startups believe they do not have the ability to market like larger, more established companies do. But small businesses and startups have many effective and affordable tools available to them. Learn how to create a high-powered marketing program by harnessing personal networking, live events/appearances, website, social media, email marketing and mobile marketing. Marketing is the process you use to let your customers know who you really are, to build a relationship that benefits both of you. That process Marketing does not need to be glitzy or costly. You can create the image and “buzz” that facilitates success without your going broke!
Attendees will learn:
- Visibility: Why it matters
- Effective personal networking
- How live events/appearances raise visibility
- Live events on a budget
- What to do before and after live events/appearances
- Website Overview
- What goes into Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Give Your Website This Quiz
- Social Media overview
- How to focus your Social Media
- Email marketing overview
- Mobile marketing overview
- Put it all together for BIG impact