Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow Dairy Farm Tour
Don’t Delay! 2 months from Today is the 2nd annual Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow Farm Tour!
**Calling all High School Students with Passion and Enthusiasm for Dairy**
The Center for Dairy Excellence Foundation of Pennsylvania will host a Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow Dairy Farm Tour on Friday, April 11, 2014, for high school students. The tour will feature two unique Blair County dairy farms to offer students a better understanding of key standard operating procedures required to succeed in today’s dairy business and, more broadly, the uniqueness of Pennsylvania’s dairy farms.
This year, the tour will feature Kulp Dairy and DD Dry Creek Dairy in Martinsburg, PA. Transportation will be provided from various locations to accommodate students from throughout the state.
Those interested must complete the application that can be found at http://centerfordairyexcellence.org/april-11-dairy-leaders-of-tomorrow-tour/.
The application must also be signed by an agriculture teacher or an educational advisor and a parent. Absentee excuse forms should also be submitted with the application, so they can be signed to ensure that the tour counts as an educational field trip. Deadline for applications to attend the farm tour is March 31st.
Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Emily Yeiser at 717-346-0849 or eyeiser@centerfordairyexcellence.org.
Emily Yeiser | Dairy Initiatives Manager
Center for Dairy Excellence
2301 N. Cameron St. | Harrisburg, PA 17110
Phone: 717.346.0849 | Cell: 410.353.9532