Exploring the Small Farm Dream
Thinking about a farming venture? This class is for you!
Registration Deadline: Friday, February 27, 2015
Is starting an agricultural business right for you? Whether your vision includes making goat cheese, selling cut flowers, or growing rare tomato varieties, this course will give you the tools to start making that dream come true.
· When
- March 5, 12, 19 & 26, 2015 (6:00 – 9:00 p.m.)
- Penn State Extension, Lehigh County
4184 Dorney Park Road, Classroom
Allentown, PA 18104
· Where
Participants will discuss current opportunities in small-scale agriculture, explore objectives, assess personal and financial resources, conduct preliminary market research, and develop an action plan for pursuing their interests in food and farming. If you are thinking about starting a farm, this course is designed for you. This includes people thinking about full-time farming, farming part-time while continuing other employment, changing careers to start a farm, and/or developing an existing but informal farming pastime into a more serious business activity.
What to Expect
- Creative exercises, research, and class discussions that will help you assess your skills and resources
- Interview with local farm-business owner that will assist you in deciding how to carry your dream forward
- An opportunity to make connections with others interested in starting new farm enterprises
- Qualified instructors and peer farm entrepreneurs to teach and share ag business experience
Included With Your Registration
- Exploring the Small Farm Dream, a workbook developed by the New England Small Farm Institute
- 12 hours of detailed instruction and class exercises led by Extension Educators and successful, local farmers
- Supplemental handouts and literature
- Refreshments at each session
Who Should Attend?
- Career changers and people interested in breaking into agricultural pursuits.
- Farm apprentices interested in launching their own start-ups.